10 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care in Your Garden

  1. Walk Barefoot

    This sounds super simple, right? When you go to the beach, have you ever noticed your mood improves? Being barefooted and feeling mother nature’s textures beneath your feet can literally and emotionally ground you.

  2. Smell the Aroma

    Some of the most simple things, are just what you need to bring peace. Try rubbing your fingers along the face of the leaves and then smell your fingers for the aroma of the plant. This is especially wonderful if you have any herbs in the garden. But even just the sensation and feeling of the texture between your fingers can be relaxing. Growing lavender, lemon eucalyptus, oregano, lemon thyme, or mint can really inspire your mind and reset your soul.

  3. Sit between the Plants

    Place a chair or sprawl out a blanket under the trees and watch the shadows of the plants at play, or the insects hover and land.

4. Enjoy the Golden Hours of the day in the Garden

Have you ever noticed in the morning just after sunrise there is a similar feeling to the time right before sunset? Golden hour occurs twice every day. The shadows are long, and there is a certain magic in the air, a quiet pause in the day. Add those hours to your daily routine, and make it a point to spend that time outside, observing the casting shadows and sun dust floating in the air.

5. Pull weeds

Yes, you read that right. Do you feel any stress or tension lately? Just go out and pull some weeds. Remember to get them at the root, otherwise, you’ll be repeating this exercise, but hey, it’s not a bad way to let go of that negative stress.

6. Observe the flowers up-close

Lots of flowers have flowers within them. Take Zinnia for example. When they bloom you can see 3 layers of flowers within the center. The petals we commonly look for are called Ray Florets, the second layer is called the Stigma of the Ray Floret, and the inner part is called the Unopened Ray Florets. This is a great hobby to do with anyone. From kids to friends, to grandparents.

7. Play musical instruments in the garden

It’s as simple as that. Bring your friends together, your children, or just play your on-the-go instrument - like a violin, didjeridu, or ukulele while strolling through the garden on a 5-minute break from work.

8. Talk to your plants

Tell your secrets to your plants. Sing, dance, listen to a meditation, or turn on a relaxing playlist. They will benefit and so will you.

9. Harvest herbs and use them in a home-cooked meal

You’ve watched them grow, now it’s time to use them in a home-cooked meal or cocktail. Herbs like mint, basil, cilantro, rosemary, and oregano are common, and quite easy to grow in the right conditions. Grow them from seed, avoid fertilization and herbicide treatments, and you’ll have a trusted herb to add to your healthy dishes.

10. Deep Inhale. hold. Long Exhale.

You don’t need to go to a yoga class to focus on your breath. Step outside for a minute and just breathe. Take a deep inhale, hold it at the top for a few seconds, and then let it all go, either in a loud sigh or through your teeth. Feels good right?!


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