The meaning behind my logo's symbol

Funny enough this symbol has always sort of been a part of my logo since college. And it continues to signify what I stand for and the business I am creating. The circle and horizontal line symbolize many things, most of which relate to the work and impact I am providing through my services.

The recent update in my services is a reflection upon myself and my journey through this life. While I love branding and appreciate the work that goes into designing it for others, I see myself more in the localized realm of supporting people from their home base, literally. The heart where they spend a lot of time making memories and facing hardships shouldn’t be a place that tears them down when they walk out or in the door. Ideally, it should be a place of continuous growth (again literally), calmness, and inspiration based on their unique personalities and day-to-day routines. And while having that in and around your home you begin to gain respect and interest for nature, life begins to flow around the house, and new energy is awakened.

What does my symbol stand for?

The circle is a symbol of continuous growth, circles hold and contain energy so that cycles of growth can exist within them. Just like a clock moving through time in a circular motion, we feel a sense that there is a beginning and end to the day; yet, time never begins or ends, it just keeps moving in a circle. And every day we grow, learn, and change with the motions of time moving us along these cycles of the day.

The human mind likes lines and logic to build foundations and structures, so we place “timelines” on something that isn’t linear. We see time as a line in which we move forward, instead of a force of nature that keeps us spiraling into an upward motion in the shape of a circle.

And somewhat opposite to a circle, horizontal lines are straight lines parallel to the horizon that move from left to right. They suggest width, distance, calmness, and stability. The horizontal axis, represents the path from birth to death, beginning to end, and linear time. This axis represents life on earth as a binary, linear process- life to death, beginning to end, and the dual nature of human existence evidenced by our symmetrical shapes: left and right, male and female, good and evil.

Referenced from SymbolicDictionary

So these 2 symbols combined have a very appropriate meaning to what I find my journey leading towards;

helping the environment - starting from the ground up and teaching neighbors, friends, leaders, family, etc about nature and its impact on our environment and in our health.

The same with home design;

what surrounds us on a daily basis has an impact on our moods and habits, and then an impact on the way we make decisions going about the rest of our day.


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Cut-flower Garden in Central Florida